





當白鐮拉開時所有儀器被帶離媽媽身上, 我的淚水不受控制....那晚是凌晨,夜里的冷風一陣一陣


只希望外公可以早日康復...... 雖然出院了,但是還是要定期到醫院做檢查....

醫學發達真的對那些患嚴重的病人有用嗎? .....

當病人正在與死神搏斗的那剎那,醫生們你們又在做什么...... 你們的藥物總是是在這個病人離去后才會有所發現..... 對于正等待你們給他們最后希望的病人都沒有了.... 因為新病例的人總是你們的白老鼠.....

這就是可笑的醫學界, 人是活生生的但結果卻是因為他們的病例不同就受注目.....這些病人不知是嘻還是怒.... 在生命走到最后一刻卻是如此受主目....

上帝創造了醫生到來,但是始終還是有心無力的情況出現..... 曾經遇上一位醫生,他說他最不想說出口得一句話是.... 我們已經盡力了.....無奈的醫學世界....




這次的聚會我們盡然可以在MAMAK 檔聊到檔口打佯才發現夜深人靜了

在生活故事里的學生生涯你們總算告一段落了..... 開始忙于實習生活的旅程


朋友們加油了..... 哈哈, 要是當初選擇是三年課程我也是和你們一樣開始實習,就是當初為了賭一口氣選擇這個會計課程所以要多一年的學生故事

但我沒后悔過這個決定,因為我找到自己的目標往前走了.... 努力完成自己想要的因我的未來不是夢了,只要我再努力一年就會是不一樣的天空

我的家鄉的幾個好友和MMU的幾個好友下個月就要開始實習了..... 愿他/她們一切順利

all the best to evelyn, stephen,yap, eugene,philip,shin, jia wan,shi ning, li qing, ruey, rui jing in you all training period....

and happy birthday to miss Lim Shu Hui....

and happy duan wu jie to all my fellow friends and family and to a person still cant understand me....

after full stop i put on means everything belong me n you already become part of history in my life....

before i put on you still cant give me an answer what you want, i think already no different between put on or doesn't put on

i already get answer when you feel so confuse.... i wont disturd you i will give myself a period after that evrything will close down....

for you and me i hope will appear a miracle, but is it ? i dont know

you all ask me what is my birthday wish for this year .....actually my wish dont know will come true or not

time pass soon one year coming again.... i become mature again....

wait i think first then let you all know about that.... haha











你和我不同處是對方還在等着你的回頭, 要是還是愛就要給彼此一個機會,因為幸福就像香蕉樹不會結果兩次一旦錯過就是錯過了


愿你們快樂幸福.... 童話故事的圓滿結局只在于你的決定,你的公主就會幸福了,不要再賭氣了這樣你的幸福真的會錯過...

為我們生活的幸福再度努力加油.... 我的加油站能為你做的就只有這些了...


decision again

finally my suffer time over.... exam finished

this smester story nearly can make a conclude but have not put a full stop because wait my result

this is first time i finished exam early.... think is let me back ealry think properly what should i do

what will do decision will same with one year ago ..... same thing different time, i make same decision again... is time to let you go if you still cant think clearly what you want between you and me

is it long distance problem i dont think so .... is me ? still dont know how to act in relationship role lead you have this kind of feeling?

is like that we are still need a time ..... let our back to start point everything become as previous .... is good and last decision ...

happy holiday to all my friends and MMU friends .... haha, gathering time coming soon since this time you all aslo same holiday with me ....


exam period

non stop of busy in exam, today energy think is left 50%

oh my god, this 50% still need to keep on for another two papers

but now i already feel so tired with want continue studies

student busy time normal is in reports and exams

but for me terrible and horrible is each time exam coming

within these period i can sleep properly reason is too stress

at this calm down period how i wish that i can get your support message but few days already think really is calm down for you think...

whatever now left two papers dont think about that should continue concentrate in my exam

studies until so bored then come in at here write my stress mood release at here then should continue studies again

all the best to all my MMU friends in you all final exam ....



what can i say i already let you know

what can i do i already showed to you

if until today you still think that if let me go from you is good for me

i will respect your decision let me disppear from your life because i really cant do anymore

i feel so tired want to save and to keep

everything is you think that is good for me but i said isnt you dont want to believe me

what to do for me ... tired spirit appear again somemore now i am busy in exam dont want to argue anymore want get ready to my exam...

maybe you are the person still cant understand me... if you still think like that every decision is good for me...

tell you a matter, i dislike people help me made decision without permission becuase that is irrespect... since you think like that i cant do anything...


lately my life like OMG

haih...cant image hospital become my family hotel

dad out from hospital then on the day my grandpa come in

then my uncle busy in his son problem

dont have time to take care my grandpa reason is his son temporary blind

yesterday go visit my uncle only one month no see him he whole hairs become white.... i can image how he feel worries with this son

somemore only auntien with him look after the son then nobody can share with this problem

only two months all the thing become big different .... if dun have this new year came i think all the life still same with previous...

look at them, look at my outside granpa and grandma, look at my uncle and auntien,look at my cousin, look at my dad and my grandma, one thing i get is need to learn how to appreciate everything

even we know that now everything is peaceful but dont know what happend on the next.... life already given me a lot of unexpected within this two months

from my cousin accident came and my dad faced a operation until my outside grandpa go in to hospital all only few month after....

god, i really hope you can blessing them and all my beloved family members everything can stay in health and all everything be fine... thanks


studies week

for me today start already is studies week

becuase no more classes and assignments

today last assignment submitted by 12pm

this smester is unrealised come into week 13 already

within this 13 week, so far is in busy and enjoy

but exam timetable is very pack start on 18,19,20,22 n 23

want go muntah when look the timetable

reason i think i cant finish studies lo

sweat and sweat and sweat sweat....

god blessing me ....


dont cry anymore becuase of him

now i am listen fish leong's song " dont cry anymore becuase of him"

maybe like what you said i should put down everything all memories related to him

now i hope that i not meet him at the time and the second

becuase of the meet that let me feel so tired let try to let go

god make a kid for me until today still dont know how should i do and what to do

it is like god always test us in relationship let us down down up up in relationship want us learn how to appreciate let us meet wrong person 1st after meet the correct one we will know how to treasure the right people.... is it ? maybe is like that

but god never think about that if a people deep hurt then he/ she sure will accept walk in relationship again even stand in front of she/ he is right people .....

i dont know .... maybe now i am the people.... everything become big change after one year later....

everything suppose for me but becuase something happend again i force myself dont look back go forward if i turn back sure meet a same situation.... looking forward is better than before...

hope everything will be same.... no much change after this....


一切将会这样 。。。结束吗??












hope god bless

tomorrow my dad going to operation

today i feel so worry about that

now i hope god can blessing dad operation everything is fine

god, i really hope you can blessing my dad

another i want thanks for you support me

if not tomorrow i get the news sure dont know what to do after i rush back to home

thanks to you